Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) is honored to be the recognized voice of the beef cattle industry, as we are committed to protecting Nebraska producers from pasture to plate.

NC is an active participant in all three branches of government – legislative, executive, and judicial – in both Nebraska and Washington D.C. We also remain committed to being the voice of the industry at all levels of government.

We advocate on a wide variety of issues directly and indirectly related to our members’ ability to operate their businesses. Taxes, land use, natural resources, cattle markets, trade, water, animal health, infrastructure, wildlife, labor, and many more topics are regularly considered by policymakers, whom have little to no experience in the beef industry.


In Congress and the Nebraska Unicamerical, NC’s government affairs staff serves as a liaison between the beef cattle industry and lawmakers. Our staff makes sure that lawmakers understand how laws and regulations impact our businesses.

The Nebraska Unicameral meets every year from January – June (90-day session) and January to April (60-day session).

Nebraska Cattlemen is actively engaged with the United States Congress as they craft federal legislation. NC leaders and staff travel to Washington for these purposes and are in constant communication with members of Congress and their staff to advocate for and against legislation that would impact Nebraska’s beef industry. 


NC monitors and works with executive branch regulatory agencies at the state and federal levels. These agencies propose countless regulations every year that can impact your operation and property. We frequently provide written comments and oral testimony to these agencies and continually work with their leaders and staff to ensure the needs and concerns of producers are addressed. 


Each year, federal, state, and district courts hear thousands of cases, many have implications for cattle producers. Every time a court issues a ruling, it creates a type of de facto law called judicial precedent. That means each decision will impact more than the parties in the case – it affects everyone with a stake in the issue. NC actively participates in filing amicus curiae brief, or “friend of the court” brief in specific cases. This tool allows us to provide the court with additional expertise and insight into the matter, hopefully swaying their opinion. 


Nebraska Cattlemen has six policy committees responsible for identifying, researching, and prioritizing issues and opportunities that affect members of the beef industry. This includes the development of policy positions that guide the actions taken on legislation, regulation, research, education, and other activities. NC’s government affairs staff serve as liaison to the committees and assist committee leaders and members with all duties and responsibilities. NC’s policy committees meet twice a year in conjunction with Nebraska Cattlemen’s Midyear Meeting and Nebraska Cattlemen's Annual Convention and Trade Show. 

Nebraska Cattlemen Policy Committees 

Animal Health & Nutrition
Chair: Jared Walahoski
Staff: Melody Benjamin

The Animal Health & Nutrition committee considers issues that impact cattle diseases, trade, traceability, biosecurity, beef quality assurance, and cattle & consumer nutrition.

Brand & Property Rights
Chair: Brock Terrell
Staff: Melody Benjamin

The Brand & Property Rights Committee considers issues that impact land rights, livestock identification & proof of ownership, brand statues, cattle theft, and wildlife.

Marketing & Commerce
Chair: Joe Eisenmenger
Staff: Jeff Stolle

The Marketing & Commerce Committee considers issues that impact cattle markets, processing industry, labor, transportation, risk management, and rural vitality.

Natural Resources & Environment
Chair: Eric Hansen
Staff: Laura Field

The Natural Resources & Environment Committee considers issues that impact climate, water, livestock waste management, livestock development, zoning, nuisance laws, invasive or endangered species, and grazing law.

Chair: Scott Peterson
Staff: Laura Field

The Taxation Committee considers issues that impact taxes that prohibit a profitable business environment.

Education & Research
Chair: Marcus Urban
Staff: Bonita Lederer

The Education & Research Committee considers issues that impact school funding, precision agriculture, agriculture education, extension, and research.

NC State PAC

Political Action Committees (PAC) allow like-minded individuals to pool their resources and direct assistance where it’s needed to elect candidates who are supportive of Nebraska’s beef industry.

The NC-PAC also provides voting recommendations for state and federal candidates in advance of elections. NC’s government affairs staff conducts countless meetings with candidates seeking offices and compiles information from each of their campaigns for the NC-PAC Board to consider. These activities provide a strong working relationship early in a candidate's legislative career.